Das Programm des Barockfestes 2005

Sonntag, 11. September, 12 Uhr

Eliza is the fairest queen

Ein musikalischer Streifzug durch das Leben der Königin Elizabeth I.
Ort: Clemenskirche, Klemensstraße 26

Come live with me and be my love (Broadside Ballad)

Francis Pilkington (1565–1638) With fragrant flowers we strew the way

Edward Johnson (1560–1628) Eliza is the fairest queen, Come again

Thomas Campion (1567–1620) Fain would I wed

Thomas Ravenscroft (1592–1633) Yonder comes a courteous knight

Kemp’s Jig / Woodycock

Joy to the person of my love (Broadside Ballad)

Fair angel of England sung to the tune of Bonny Sweet Robin (Broadside Ballad)

John Dowland (1562–1626) It was a time when silly bees

Anthony Holborne (gest. 1602) Noel’s Galliard

John Bennet (1575–1614) Eliza her name gives honour

Sinkapace Galliard

John Dowland Say Love if ever thou didst find

Thomas Ravenscroft Ale and tobacco

Oil of Barley or a cup of old stingo (Broadside Ballad)

When Daphne from fair Phoebus did fly (Broadside Ballad)

Ring out your bells sung to the tune of the Hunts up (Broadside Ballad)

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